Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Wave

Life takes funny turns, and in the wise words of Nicki Minaj, "greatness is what were on the brink of". I decided to just start fresh...yet again new header, new ideas, new goals, new clothes, new boys,new soundtracks, same journey. With spring fast approaching, a new wave of colors, fabrics,and textures to follow, just a little glimpse of what I'm personally excited for.

For the past couple of years I thought I was on a one way lane to a certain ideal life I was making for myself as of lately that has all changed. These days I figured goddayum I'm young and theres a bunch of directions available to me, my goal right now is to finally finish something I've started and move on to the next. Every experience is a learning one, hopefully everything will just fall into place.

With that aside, some goals I have for this blog:
*no more month long breaks
*progression, consistency is in my blogabulary
*pretty pictures
*some actual insight on things like iunno life
read at your own risk

so to those who are new with me in this blog, and old followers, friends, etc
just keep in mind I'm random as fuck. Deal With It *puts on shades*

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